
Sunday, September 30, 2012

street Fighting Moves - The 5 Most Deadly Mistakes of street Self Defense

Mistake #1 - You Don't Have Situational Awareness - Situational awareness means you see the "orange alert" signals of suspicious and dangerous-looking behavior on the part of suspicious and dangerous-looking individuals.

Solution: You must trust your "gut" instinct. When you feel that something is wrong or not right in a strange environment, pay concentration to those feelings. Don't ignore the individual with the shifty eyes wearing the thick wool overcoat in the middle of a hot summer August day with his hand placed inside of his coat pocket.

Self Defense

Mistake #2 - You Don't Look colse to For Objects In Your Environment Which Can Be Used As Weapons - Forget about nunchakus, shiroken stars, bo staffs and kung fu swords that ridiculously many sifus teach the use in kung fu schools. This ain't aged China folks! You are not going to walk colse to with any of these aged weapons. One, the law won't allow it, and Two, most of them are too complex to maneuver and use expertly. How many times have you seen on America's Funniest Videos someone demonstrating the use of nunchakus and then wind up hitting himself in the "family jewels"?

street Fighting Moves - The 5 Most Deadly Mistakes of street Self Defense

Solution: If you see a ketchup bottle in a fast food restaurant, (or any hard and easy to grab object), if necessary, grab it and use it. If you have a cup of hot coffee (or cup of any liquid for that matter) throw it in the face of an aggressor unexpectedly, then kick hard any times to the shins, and result straight through with other blows.

Mistake #3 - Allowing An confident Aggressor To charge First - This is a judgment call, but there is a point where the situation moves from a gray area to jet black. If someone gets verbal with you, but is just yelling and screaming while standing in the same place, this is commonly a sign that he is not a real threat but is just letting off steam. Now, if that same someone starts to clench his fist, start animated in aggressively toward your personal space even though you are stepping back - now it's time to use a preemptive strike.

Solution: You charge first and fast in a way and in an area that will devastate him and stop him cold in his tracks. Best first blow? Front kick his shins hard a combine of times, and result up with an eye rake, tiger claw, fingers curled inward from top to bottom over the eyes or a 45 degree angle close range foot stomp to the knee.

Mistake #4 - Not lasting Your charge After You Have Committed To Executing The First Blow - In road combat, it is a dangerous mindset to want to just "control" the situation or placate the attacker. I know of a case where a brown belt in kung fu got into an altercation with an individual whom he quickly and luckily managed to knock to the ground with a high round house kick to the face (the type of kick that I would not advise in a road combat situation) anyway, to make a long story short, when the guy hit the ground after that kick to the face, he feigned being hurt more than he legitimately was. When the brown belt bent over to "talk" to the guy to calm him down, and as he was explaining how unnecessary it was for them to be fighting, the guy on the ground quietly grabbed a brick and smashed it into the brown belt's skull, knocking him unconscious and giving him a brain concussion.

Solution: Once your commit to hitting someone with the first blow, make sure it is a blow that counts and - don't stop hitting - until your attacker is whether completely subdued or knocked out.

Mistake #5 - Trying To Do High Aerial Kicks Instead Of Low Line Kicks - Forget Bruce Lee. Forget Jackie Chan. Forget Jet Li. Forget the movies. This is real life. You are not trying to fight pretty, look cool or feel like an operation hero. This is not sports fighting. This is not tournament fighting. You are, in many cases fighting for your life or the safety of your loved ones.

Solution: Fight to survive. Fight low down and dirty. Kick the shins. Kick the knees. Kick the groin if you have a clean shot at it. But never kick higher than waist level. Save that for the Hollywood movie producers. You job is just to save your life.

street Fighting Moves - The 5 Most Deadly Mistakes of street Self Defense

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Football Drills for Defense End

Probably the most foremost job of a defensive end in football is to rush the quarterback. It's foremost that the defensive ends get good pressure on the quarterback. Otherwise the quarterback will have time to stand back behind his offensive line and perfect passes to his receivers. Football drills for defense end help a player invent power and explosiveness so he can get to the quarterback quickly. There are also many drills that help a defensive end invent moves to get to the quarterback.

Firing Off the Ball

Self Defense

If a defensive lineman doesn't fire off the ball at the snap, then he will have a hard time rushing the quarterback and disrupting a running play. So, football drills for defense end all the time have to comprise working on firing off the ball.

Football Drills for Defense End

The drill is very easy. Since a defensive linemen needs to look in and watch for the ball to be snapped (for them to fire forward) during a game, that's what they do for this drill. The defensive linemen get into their three point stance and a coach simulates the snapping of the ball. When the coach snaps the ball, the defensive linemen fire forward.

Specific Moves

There are a few separate moves that defensive linemen can use to try to beat an offensive lineman and get to the quarterback. For each move there is a drill that helps the defensive lineman excellent the move. Two of the best football drills teach the Swim Move and the Bull Rush.

The Swim Move

The Swim Move involves a defensive end making a swimming move with his arm in order to knock the offensive lineman's hands down. What an offensive lineman wants to do is get his hands on the defensive lineman to shield him away from the quarterback. So, by raising his arm up and knocking the offensive lineman's hands away (using a Swim Move), the defensive linemen can get to the quarterback.

The Bull Rush

The Bull Rush is a move that has the defensive end running directly into the offensive lineman and trying to knock him off equilibrium and then out of the way.

A great drill to work on the Bull Rush requires 2 players, one to be the defensive end and the other to furnish resistance. The defensive lineman should place his helmet and his hands into the back of the player providing resistance. At the whistle, the defensive lineman will begin pushing the other players while that player provides resistance. Then, when a signal is given, the player providing the resistance will try to sit down. The defensive lineman must hold-up the offensive lineman and continue to drive the o-linemen back. This soldiery the defensive end to use his hips and his upper-body strength.

The Benefits of Football Drills for Defense End

Football drills for defense end are great because they teach a defensive end how to play the position the right way. The drills teach a defensive end how to fire off the ball and the drills also teach the defensive end definite moves to beat the offensive lineman and get to the quarterback. Two of these drills teach the Swim Move and the Bull Rush.

Football Drills for Defense End

Friday, September 28, 2012

Learn to Fight! leading Self Defense Skills

Learning to fight involves studying two dissimilar areas of self defense. To be a perfect fighter and be ensured of good self defense skills, learn the basics of both the following:

1. Standing up and Striking.

Self Defense

You need to learn basic astonishing skills in order to handle yourself on your feet. This will contain punching as well as defense techniques like surface up and blocking strikes.

Learn to Fight! leading Self Defense Skills

Another aspect to standing up and astonishing can involve the use of kicks. studying dissimilar kicks can round you out as a good stand up fighter. Kicks can be productive on the street as well as they widen the gap in the middle of you and your opponent, backing them up so you can gain operate and make a strong offensive next move.

2. On the ground and Wrestling/Submission.

Many don't perceive that most street fights end up going to the ground. This is a very prominent area and can nothing else but decide the winner or loser of a fight. Even if you get struck standing up, you can wholly reverse the situation by taking operate on the ground.

You can also learn take down skills to get your opponent on the ground where you then can apply productive wrestling or submission moves. studying ground submission skills can immediately end any conflict. You can learn a few choke holds and that will end the fight.

To be a perfect fighter and be determined as such, you need to learn both standing up astonishing skills, and on the ground wrestling skills. studying mixed martial arts style training can cover both of these areas effectively and quickly.

Learn to Fight! leading Self Defense Skills

Self Defense - Dog assault prevention

For millions of Americans who walk, run, jog, or cycle in public parks, city streets, or rural neighborhoods the threat from a dog or a pack of dogs attacking is a daily reality. I see more and more anecdotal evidence as I make the rounds in the heartland-walking sticks, canes, anyone long that can be used as a weapon against a dog attack.

I even know of a merge in Colorado who are using a stun baton to safe themselves and their dog when out walking.

Self Defense

Each year man's best friend bites that friend 4.7 million times agreeing to the Centers for Disease control (Cdc). Of those, 800,000 Americans seek healing concentration annually for dog bites-half of these are children. Of those injured approximately 386,000 want crisis room medicine and about 12 die annually again agreeing to the Cdc.

Self Defense - Dog assault prevention

Now there are two tools that can be used as self defense weapons for safety against dog attacks. The first is Mace pepper gun. It has sufficient full compel 10% Oc spray for seven 25 foot shots. It is a exquisite solution for long range dog defense.

The second is the telescopic stun baton. A thirteen inch baton that extends to 22 inches at the press of a button and electrifies the extension with 800,000 volts. The sound of a charging stun baton is sufficient to scare anyone. It has saved me on two occasions. exquisite for short range dog defense.

Both of these products work equally well on two-legged 'dogs' who are out prowling around streets.

These are both great solutions to an ever gift qoute of dog attacks for anyone who walks, runs, jogs or cycles outdoors or makes their living development deliveries-mail carriers, milkmen, Ups and Fed Ex drivers, etc.

Find out more about this at the links below.

Self Defense - Dog assault prevention

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Self Defence Classes - What Is Self Defence?

Self Defence is a law of combat techniques used to safe yourself from bodily confrontation. These techniques mostly create from Martial Arts - Karate, Kickboxing, Judo and Kung Fu are to name a few. There is of procedure much more to Martial Arts such as the physical, spiritual and psychological values, but the actual combat part is what we know as Self Defense.

The majority of citizen think they can use the term Self Defence in a manner that states "He hit me first so I hit him back". This would not stand to be an appropriate reason in a court of law. When pleading Self Defense, your statement should communicate the incident as "I was admittedly terrified, all I knew is that I was going to be attacked and I had no means of escape, I didn't know what was going to happen to me and I was in fear of my life and I just reacted to that fear", or something along those lines.

Self Defense

If you are in a situation where a threat of violence is upon you, Self Defence Law does not permit you to attack first. If you have a clear route to flee then that should be your first self defense strategy. Martial Artists have a huge degree of respect towards others and won't attack first, their Self Defence techniques are only used as a last resort to safe themselves or others if they feel the need to call upon their skills.

Self Defence Classes - What Is Self Defence?

Sometimes it is not inherent to escape, for example if you are backed against a wall, or trapped in a corner. If those circumstances arise then you will naturally panic and be in fear for your own safety. Once you reach that feeling of fear and there is no other way to avoid the threat, then it is proper to use the bodily tactics of Self Defense so you can fight your way to safety.

This doesn't mean you can knock the hell out of man just because you don't like them, it means that if you are in immediate danger and feel threatened for your protection or life, then you can use cheap force to escape! You can not pulverise your attacker if it is not necessary. The Law Of Self Defence only allows you to use cheap force, so do what you need to do to break away from your attacker and get away using the nearest ready flee route.


Self Defense is a method of self protection that we apply when we are in fear of our protection if somebody wants to cause us harm. The bodily fighting techniques should only be used if there is no way to flee the threat. Your first call to performance if inherent would be to avoid the disagreement and abandon the scene. It is your responsibility to compare the situation and act in accordance with The Law of Self Defence.

Self Defence Classes - What Is Self Defence?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Self Defense - Which Non Lethal Self Defense Weapon is Best for You?

Okay so you have made a conscious decision to get a non lethal self defense weapon instead of a handgun. Now what?

Non lethal self-defense weapons are gaining in popularity because they are efficient against attacks. Martial arts and other self-defense courses are great to learn, but for many people, they take too much time to learn and can be expensive. You are not always going to have the occasion to use learned self-defense skills. Non lethal self defense weapons such as stun guns, pepper sprays, tasers, etc. Are a more practical way to go.

Self Defense

Before you go out and purchase a non lethal self-defense weapon you should consider some of the following points:

Self Defense - Which Non Lethal Self Defense Weapon is Best for You?

o Which Is Best For You? Study and learn as much as you can. See what weapon is going to be right for you both on a bodily and reasoning level.

oLearn How To Use It. Having a self defense weapon and not knowing how to use it can injure you as legitimately as it can hurt your assailant. Once you have chosen a self-defense product, ask for proper instructions on how to use it, or take a procedure in using the products properly. Then Practice using it until it becomes second nature.

oIs It Legal In Your Area?You don't want the embarrassment of being harassed by local law enforcement. Take the time to see if you are allowed to carry the self-defense goods you have chosen. Some may need permits or other permission before you can carry them nearby in public.

oDon'T Overcarry - If pepper spray is going to give you the jump you need to defend against an assailant, then there is legitimately no need to carry air guns, slingshots or a taser. When the time comes to use your weapon there cannot be any indecision as to which to use.

Self defense products can get you out of a bad situation - there is no doubt about that. Unless you know what you need, how to use that product, and the legality of it, you may be getting into trouble. You can legitimately do yourself more harm that good by not doing your homework before you spend time and money into self-defense products. They can save your life, your money and supply you with peace of mind.

Jack Krohn is the #1 author of Home protection Articles in the country according to EzineArticles. He owns protection Solutions a one stop resource that provides solutions and answers for all your self defense and home protection problems.

Chances are very good that you are reading this because in some way crime has touched your life or you want to be proactive and safe yourself, family, home, or company from the ravages of crime. That is the first step.

Self Defense - Which Non Lethal Self Defense Weapon is Best for You?

Self Defense - Intruders in Your Home!

Let's think about coarse sense. Don't assume the person knocking on your door is the person you are waiting for.  Make Sure you know who is on the other side before you open the door.

Your first, best line of defense is to make your home less of a haven for troublemakers. For example; if you can't see out the window; officers will have difficulty looking in. This item can be difficult to address, but my lieutenant friend gives this advice:

Self Defense

  • Trim trees bushes.
  • Make sure you have exquisite face lighting.
  • Make sure your address numbers are lit. (If Ups has trouble looking you on a good day, the police will have trouble looking you during a stressful time).
  • If you're planning to landscape, take these measures into consideration, because its hard to redo landscaping after it is completed.
  • Don't block your windows.
  • Get a dog. The Los Angeles Police Department's Threat administration Unit says this is "one of the least costly but most sufficient alarm systems.

Self Defense - Intruders in Your Home!

One thing to think is joining a neighborhood watch program. This will help you be aware of the crime level in your area.  As I was discussing this subject with my lieutenant friend, he mentioned the items listed above from his point of view as a Swat Team member.  And then I was told the most marvelous sentence, yes, by this police officer. He said, "Don't depend on the police."

Police are extraordinary historians. They document so many things after they happen. But they cannot know when something bad is going to happen, and won't be there to save you immediately. It takes time to write back to a situation, and if they're chasing a murderer, your home invasion is not top priority and will simply come in somewhere down the list. Therefore, here is some helpful advice to aid you in establishment for the unthinkable-If person breaks in while you are home:

  • Have a safe room prepared.
  • Equip it with a strong door
  • A deadbolt lock
  • A phone (a cell-phone is best)
  • Some pepperspray, or a fire extinguisher.
  • Something to read
  • Some food or water
  • Maybe your primary medicine
  • Batteries

For those who wish a stronger level of protection, think the 2nd amendment. "Our right to bear arms shall not be infringed."  We are allowed to have a pistol or shotgun, and ammunition in our homes.

Note: None of this is failsafe. Any truly effective defense will be based solely upon your training, and your skill-level.

Self Defense - Intruders in Your Home!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Self Defense - Awareness is Key!

Increasing your personal awareness is the primary element for effective self-defense. The most important thing you need to do for self-defense is to be aware of your surroundings. There truly are only two kinds of people in our world: (a) those who are aware, and (b) those who are not aware.

Those who are not aware of their surroundings may think life is like a theme park: pleasant, happy, and safe. These are the ones I cannot help much. If you think your life is safe, or bad things only happen to other people, then you have already chosen to come to be a victim. I have a daughter I was teaching to drive. We passed a road, and I said to her, "You know, Jen, it is important to look both ways when you pass an intersection." Her response was excellent Jennifer, "Uhm, what road?"

Self Defense

This was eye-opening for me. Have you ever been driving, with a lot on your mind, and arrived at the grocery store and said, "Wow, I sure got here quickly." And yet you were reasoning of so many other things that you arrived on auto-pilot? Try this experiment: While you are driving down the street, take yourself off 'auto-pilot'. Consciously come to be aware of every car, each man in the yard, the animals you see, and the cars you pass. This is an exquisite way to train your mind to 'see' what is going on nearby you.

Self Defense - Awareness is Key!

For those who are aware, the next step is preparedness, and a little more education. Your quick tips for awareness operation are as follows:

Be aware of yourself, your posture:

  • Keep your head up. Are you confidently getting to your destination? Do you look like you know where you are going?
  • Project a presence of awareness, a 'presence of power'. (Not so much that man wants to challenge that power, but sufficient so that a bad guy will know you are not going to be easy).
  • Criminals prefer uncertain, unfocused victims-they are easier to surprise.

Be aware of your surroundings:
  • Are you in a well-lit area?
  • Did you observation that group of boys on the corner?
  • Did you observation that car passing you twice?
  • Whether at home, or traveling: avoid dark alleys.

Be aware of an attacker's inherent strategies:
  • A criminal's primary opinion is to take you by surprise.
  • Criminals are certainly good at selecting a victim that appears to be unaware of what's going on nearby them.

Be aware of your surroundings and task a "powerful presence", a "focused direction", or an "I've-got-somewhere-important-to-be" attitude. Many problems on the street, in your neighborhood, and in your life can be avoided with awareness, and just a little coarse sense. Awareness of self and your surroundings will increase your safety.

Self Defense - Awareness is Key!

Self Defense: Most popular Items - The Top Five

Self-defense products are sold by hundreds if not thousands of distributors worldwide. We have talked to any of them to compile this list of the most favorite self-defense products in terms of sales. That is the best criteria to rank popularity.

As you know, self-defense items are nonlethal products that are meant to incapacitate a inherent assailant long adequate for you to get away and get help. They do it in distinct ways but they are all effective and can work to incapacitate someone in any place from 5 to 45 minutes. They contribute personal self-defense and personal protection on a par with a handgun.

Self Defense

Here are the top five most favorite self-defense items.

Self Defense: Most popular Items - The Top Five

First is Fox Labs pepper spray in the two ounce stream model. Part of the attraction of this goods is the price. At .95 it represents an exquisite value. Fox pepper spray has been used by police and soldiery agencies worldwide. It comes out in a stream that can go 17 to 20 feet. The two ounce canister has 18 half-second bursts. It includes a marking Uv dye for assailant identification.

Next is the Monster stun gun that is 3.5 million volts. It has a built-in recharger, intriguing Led flashlight and a heavy-duty rubber armor coating. It is only 4 inches tall and 2 inches wide with a protection switch that prevents accidental firing. It includes a nylon carrying case and sells for .95. It is an additional one exquisite value.

Third is an expandable steel baton that goes from 8 to 21 inches at the flick of a wrist. It is solid steel construction and is the same type of steel baton used by law obligation officers and protection guards nearby the world. Steel batons are lighter weight than the old night sticks. The rubber grip handle helps with a firm hold. It sells for .95.

Next is the Diablo Tactical Stun Flashlight. It is 4.5 million volts of stopping power in a flashlight that is 6.75 inches long. It has an accidental extraction protection switch and rigid no slip handle grip. It is fully rechargeable too. The bulb life in the flashlight will last up to one hundred thousand hours and is 160 lumens ultra-bright. It is made of heavy-duty aircraft grade alloy for ultra durability. As with all guard dog products it comes with a free guard dog 18% pepper spray canister and sells for .95.

And last on the list is the expandable stun baton that is rechargeable at .95. This 1,000,000 volt rechargeable stun baton has a flashlight and a 130 dB alarm. It expands from 12 1/2 inches to 21 1/4 inches at the press of a button.

Those are the five most favorite self-defense items by customer popularity. They will contribute you with personal protection and personal self-defense in a less than lethal way.

Self Defense: Most popular Items - The Top Five

Monday, September 24, 2012

Self-Defense: Flashlight Stun Guns - Three popular Models

As you may already know, most people love multi-purpose, multi-use products. Flashlight stun devices fall into those categories. Stun devices are one of the most productive and second most favorite self- defense products in the world. They use high wattage and low amperage to disable an assailant for 5 to 10 minutes allowing you time to fly a risky situation. They cause no long-lasting damage.

When applied to an assailant for as minuscule as 3 to 5 seconds the electrical sparks on one end of the device cause the muscles to over work in such a rapid fashion that the assailant has no vigor left.

Self Defense

In this narrative we will take a look at three of the most favorite flashlight stun guns. Each one is very noteworthy and comes with a lifetime warranty. They are favorites for personal protection and self-defense, especially female self-defense.

Self-Defense: Flashlight Stun Guns - Three popular Models

First is the "Security Guard" 6,000,000 volt flashlight stun gun by Streetwise. Like many of its competitors, not only is it a stun device but it has flashlight and a loud personal alarm. This model has two levels of protection built-in so you can't accidentally hurt yourself. It has a protective rubber coating for the whole stun flashlight which ensures a great grip in any kind of weather.

The second is one of the most favorite in the marketplace. It is made by Stun specialist and is 2.5 million volts. It is a telescoping stun baton that extends to 21 1/2 inches from 13 inches when collapsed. It is fully rechargeable so no batteries will ever be needed. It has a built-in protection device that will prevent accidental discharge and comes with a free nylon holster. The alarm is a very loud 120 dB, which works at scaring human assailants away. We have been recommending this telescoping stun baton for years now as an productive way to defend yourself against dog attacks and dog bites which is a huge problem in this country.

The third model is also by Streetwise. It's a mini nightstick. It is 4,000,000 volts and is also rechargeable and has two levels of protection built-in. It comes with a free durable belt holster. It is relatively lightweight at 13 ounces.

All three of these flashlight stun guns are rechargeable and have lifetime warranties. There are subtle differences in the middle of them, but they can all disable an assailant with the stun device or scare away an attacker with the alarm. They are favorites for personal protection and self-defense, especially female self-defense.

Self-Defense: Flashlight Stun Guns - Three popular Models